Countryside Agency: `The state of the countryside in the South West, 2003', 2003

Countryside Commission: `The East Devon Landscape', 1993

Countryside Commission: `Village Design - making local character count in new development' (parts 1&2), 1996

Devon County Council: `The Devon Landscape - An appraisal of Devon's landscape at the beginning of the 21st century', 2002

EDDC: `East Devon Conservation Area Appraisals', 1999

EDDC: `East Devon Local Plan 1995 to 2011 revised deposit' (volumes 1&2), 2003

Harrison: `Otterton - A Devon Village', 1984

Millington: `A walk around Otterton - A village trail' Keverel, 1994

Millington & Jones: All about Otterton - Behind the picture postcard' Keverel, 2000

Otter Valley Association: `Mark Rolle - His architectural legacy in the lower Otter Valley', 2001


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